Did you know that Budapest has multiple beaches where you can swim in the Danube? My personal favourite spot is Római Part with magnificent views, very unique character, a nice range of recreational activities, cool bars and great food. Don’t miss to walk around a little bit to see the old boathouses!

A very cute little garden hidden in the 5th district of Pest, near Astoria and Kálvin tér. A real gem when you’re discovering the hidden parts of Downtown Pest.

There is this beautiful building along the Danube, one that everybody notices from across the river because it stands out with its beauty and charm. The Pesti Vigadó is a concert hall, an exhibition space, and also a pretty building to discover. The building is from 1859 and was designed by Frigyes Feszl, whose main concept was to create a truly Hungarian Romantic style. The building was unfortunately badly damaged during WW2, but was rebuilt to its original style and beauty. You can buy tickets for a tour in the building or for an event, you won’t be disappointed.

I was organising my Beautiful Budapest photographs last week and found some real gems. My Art Nouveau tour is really very popular, I understand why, the buildings are magnificent, the stories are very interesting and there is so much amazing symbolism about the Hungarian Art Nouveau. Here is a little gallery of my top favourite Budapest Art Nouveau details.

We were very fortunate with my travellers and got invited to the very top of the Buda Castle district, to the rooftop skybar of the Hilton Hotel. I highly recommend the White Raven Skybar, views are amazing and I can guarantee you’ll have a very good time. Don’t forget to reserve in advance!

This isn’t really a new tour, as I’ve been offering the tour for a few years now as a custom tour, but the time has come to publish it on my website. To be honest, I’m in love with Herend products. It’s unique, beautiful, elegant, classy and clearly timeless. All my former travellers were fascinated by the factory, by the steps of porcelain making and the finest, most magnificent porcelain products. The tour is about 6 hours, including the drive to Herend and back to Budapest, the visit of the factory and the porcelain museum. Don’t hesitate to let me know if you have questions or book the tour directly on my website.

Please note that his tour is only available from April to October, as the mini factory is closed in the winter months.



I took these images when we were touring the Danube Bend in December a few weeks ago. We were there just in time to see the magic of winter, unfortunately we don’t get too much snow, thus the visit was very special for both me and my travellers.


My most popular day trip from Budapest is the full-day Eger and Wine tour, including the visit of the charming Baroque town of Eger and the visit of local wineries and vineyards. This is how Eger looks like in the winter. And, believe me, the wine is just as great in November as it is in the spring or summer. Book the tour and see it for yourself!


Here are a few pictures I took visiting Szentendre with my travellers yesterday. The photographs don’t do any justice to the spectacular little village, but they give you an idea about what you can expect. Szentendre is only a 20-minute drive from Budapest, also, you can take a local train to get there. I’m offering multiple tours to visit the village, the full-day driving tour to the Danube Bend and the half-day Szentendre driving tour. Book now!