The views from the top of Buda hills are magnificent. There are some great spots to watch sunrise or sunset from, one of my favourite spots is on top of Gellért hill, by the Statue of Liberty. Don’t miss the views during your stay in Budapest!


I’m spending a lot of time in Budapest every day, I consider myself very lucky to be able to see the changing of seasons, and I try to capture those special moments. Have a look at this photo gallery to see the four different faces of the Buda Castle Garden Bazaar in spring, summer, autumn and winter. Book a Buda Castle Walking tour with me to see the beautiful Royal Gardens for yourself!


I’m taking thousands of pictures in Budapest every year, and many of them are taken at the very same spot. This is the upper station of the Buda Castle Funicular, close to the Sándor Palace and the Royal Palace. While my travellers are entertained by the changing of the guards, I’m taking pictures. Have a look, how different the pictures are even though they are taken at the same place. Join me for a walk in the Buda Castle District to see it for yourself!


The Citadel on the top of Gellért hill is being renovated, and unfortunately the entire area is closed because of the construction works. It also means that a truly popular tourist attraction of Budapest is closed and it’s impossible to enjoy the most magnificent views over Buda and Pest. The very bad news is that it remains closed for another few years and it’s impossible to estimate when it reopens. It’s just my personal opinion that they could have left a little path open for the tourists to enjoy the view, but that’s not the case.

You can still take a walk on Gellért hill, and you can climb to the statue of Saint Gellért from where you’ll have a great view over the Pest side of the river.